by Stewart Epstein

The Chakras

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When it says in Genesis that we are made in the image of the Divine, it is not alluding to our superficial appearance. It is referring to the potential for Realization that has been given to us by the Divine. This potential lies within the soul and the energy body. Because the physical body is a reflection of the energy body, it lies in subtle form, within the physical body as well.
Much of that Divine potential is contained within the chakras. The chakras exist as energy centers within our physical form that contain psycho-spiritual information. Each one holds a specific sacred intelligence that is essential for actualizing our spiritual potential. When all the chakras are fully realized, and brought into harmonious integration, we take a quantum spiritual leap forward. This state is called spiritual awakening, or enlightenment.
The chakras correspond to locations within the spine, which govern power centers within the body. We can cultivate their gifts by bringing our relaxed meditative awareness within them. By doing this, we can greatly accelerate our path to realization.

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